theJEDMAN NATION-A New Wave Manifesto
Documenting the JED Experience
Monday, December 29, 2008
I am probably the worst blogger ever. I have not written squat in a few months. I'm living in uninteresting times. I don't do a lot. I do go out and meet people from time to time, but these instances are usually the same. I'm surprised that I have not been kicked off this blog site for being the worst blogger ever. I did do some time in the hospital in September. I was only there a day. It is not much fun going there. It wasn't anything cosmetic. I just had to go in and do some maintenance. I would never do any elective cosmetic surgery just because of having to be there at the hospital. Besides looking at me, no one would ever think that I would need that type of surgery. Anyway, I don't remember too much of the actual event. I did have to hang out for awhile down in the OR. I complained a lot. The doctors and nurses like me when I complain a lot. I think. I got them to play music for me while we waited for some anaesthesiologist to show up. They put me out. The next thing I new, I woke up in some room with a lot of other people. It must be the post op room. This is the worst part. They hook you up to the IV. They pump you full of fluid for hours. Then, you wake up and have to use the bathroom and you aren't allowed to move. You tell the nurses what you need to do and they just give you a plastic jar. So, I was laying on my back not being able to move and I have to use the jar in front of hundreds of people. It is the worst thing ever. I filled up the jar, but I had to look at it to see if anything was in there. It is tough. Also, this time I had both parents there. I had two people hanging out concerned and bored asking questions. The hospital is a good reason to stay healthy. I want to avoid the hospital at all costs.
Speaking of being healthy, I have been eating a lot of Cheerios lately. At work, I was close to a vending machine. I found myself eating a lot of chips. I decided that this was stupid. So, I bought a box of Cheerios and I started eating them instead. Cheerios are good. Cheerios make you feel good. I usually pound oatmeal in the morning and then during the day, I eat a couple of cups of Cheerios. Cheerios clean you out and makes things work better. Sometimes I wake up in the morning and my insides feel good. Plus, my stomach feels flat. It doesn't look flat, it just feels flat. I think Cheerios are pretty good for you. Also, last fall I had to switch medicine for my condition. The new medicine gives me a little reflux. The $30 copay stuff at the drug store seems to help more this time than when I had this trouble several years ago, but the Cheerios help more, so much so that I haven't taken the reflux meds in a few weeks. I hope this keeps up like this, but it would be bad to not take the drugs from the drug companies for my ailments. That would be almost un american not to be on prescription drugs. It might hurt the economy more. I hope I don't get in trouble for this.
Speaking of being healthy, I went to a New Year's Eve party. It was at these friends of my in midtown. They are arty types and they don't have a TV. The had some good vegetarian food there with heavy doses of beans. It was good. It was very good. I like vegetarian food. It makes you feel light and happy with the absense of ground beef. but I'm smart enough know that I live in the midwest where the cows live. Eating cow is the law here. I like hamburgers, but I'd eat more vegetarian food with beans if it was more readily available. The party of good. It reminded me of parties I went to in college with arty types that didn't have a TV. There was recorded music and live music. Jerry Garcia would have been proud all except for the non-cow stuff.
.: posted by Jed 5:50 PM