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theJEDMAN NATION-A New Wave Manifesto

Documenting the JED Experience

Sunday, November 09, 2003

Some clown in another country keeps acusing me of liking sports. He talks as if sports are my one and only passion. It is like I turn on ESPN when I get home an never turn it off in his eyes. It is true that at one time I really paid a lot of attention to sports. Part of that is because I needed an outlet because of my lackluster career choices of earlier in my life. Now, I'm a passive fan. I go to a lot of games, just because I have this cooperate connection. I like the pagentry and the atmosphere of the games. Sometimes the spectacle is better than the game itself. I watch NFL on tv, but not the 12 hours possible each week like I used to. I never watch NBA or NHL. I rarely watch baseball. I sometimes watch NCAA basketball, but it does not dominate and rule my life. I don't read about sports a whole lot. I can barely stand sports talk radio anymore. Anymore indepth conversations about games bore me. Contrary to popular belief, I'm a passive fan, not a fanatic.
So, what is my passion. Two words, LIZ and PHAIR. LIZ PHAIR is the only prudent passion for theJEDMAN. theJEDMAN has worshiped at the power pop slut rock alter of LIZ PHAIR. theJEDMAN has witnessed the ordinary average sane pshyco super-goddess, LIZ PHAIR. LIZ PHAIR live was a spiritual awakening for theJEDMAN. theJEDMAN stood in ahhhhhhhh of the vision, LIZ PHAIR for all 85 minutes of her power pop slut rock set. Everything theJEDMAN is today, is because of LIZ PHAIR. theJEDMAN does not make a decision without thinking about what LIZ would do. LIZ is the ultimate rockand pop star. LIZ is an image of beauty so triumphant and unseen in the history of the eyes of theJEDMAN. LIZ is it, baby. LIZ is the one. LIZ is a powerhouse of rock, femininity, love, soul, being, categorical awareness, ect. Being with LIZ has allowed theJEDMAN to clense the doors of perception. With LIZ, theJEDMAN can see infinity and has achieved total consciousness. LIZ. LIZ. LIZ. LIZ. LIZ. LIZ. LIZ. LIZ.

.: posted by Jed 7:47 PM