theJEDMAN NATION-A New Wave Manifesto
Documenting the JED Experience
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
BUSTED! I got nailed in the JOCO. I bought the regular coffee at the designer cooperate coffee house, thus severely damaging their profit margin. Then, I took it to the public school American football game. I got paranoid that they wouldn't let me in with it, so I put it in the pocket of my coat. I walked through the gate and this security guy stopped me, because he saw the bulge in my pocket. I pulled out my coffee. Then he grabs the police officer. The police officer asked me if I was a student. I'm 37. I've been told I look young, so I think I could pass for 27, but I can't pass for 17. Then the police officer asked me if I got anything in their that he should know about. Yeah, I'm 37 and I'm sneaking in booze to a high school game. I'm dumb, but I'm not an idiot. It was quite the scam on my part. They totally missed the flask strapped to my ankle, because I'm such the raging alcoholic. theJEDMAN
.: posted by Jed 9:10 PM