theJEDMAN NATION-A New Wave Manifesto
Documenting the JED Experience
Tuesday, April 29, 2003
I was stopping at this intersection when I saw one of my clients crossing the street in front of me. Briefly, I thought about steamrolling him because even though I kind of like him, he causes me a lot of trouble. He is the same guy I tried to nail with he nerf football. It would have been a bone crushing, bloodspilling, brain rattling instant death for him. Even though it is wrong to hurt people, my biggest problem with this plan is me having to go to jail for such a repulsive act of violence. This was the part of the plan that I didn't like. Instread, I really freaked him out by yelling at him out of the window. He loved me for it. I'm glad I seem to exhibt self-control with great frequency. This may keep me from having fun, but it keeps me out of trouble. theJEDMAN
.: posted by Jed 10:01 PM