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theJEDMAN NATION-A New Wave Manifesto

Documenting the JED Experience

Sunday, March 30, 2003

I don't eat hardly any fried food anymore, but the other day I put down a breast, wing and leg from the coronal. It sat in my stomach like a rock. Later, I was watching the Hawks at a club. My stomach got so queasy that I thought I was going to evacuate druing the tense part of the game. I ended up being ok. Later, I was taken to the velvet room. The velvet room is where all the beautiful people go in the JOCO. I always think I'm a snob, until I go to a place like the velvet room. I even danced with a chick to the beat of the funk band. I was awesome on the dance floor. Chicks were staring at me and the total package that is theJEDMAN. I drank a few beers, then Sasha brought me a pitcher of water, because I have to drink a lot of water. At the end of the evening a chick gave me a ride home. She slowed down long enough for me to jump out of her car safely. theJEDMAN

.: posted by Jed 1:36 PM